Integrative Wellness Coaching

~ A partner on your health journey ~

What is Integrative Wellness?

What contribute to your wellness? When you think about your health and wellbeing, what comes to mind? If you are not sure, consider the following areas of your life:

Integrative Wellness looks at wellness from a broad angle that includes all the areas working together toward your overall health and wellbeing.

Your values, meaning and purpose matter

The coaching process embraces and supports your uniqueness, the unique meaning and purpose of your life at this time, with its specific challenges and demands.

When your choices and actions are aligned with your values, meaning and purpose, you will experience a greater sense of well-being. That's the goal of this work, which is often overlooked in traditional healthcare settings.

The role of an integrative wellness coach

An integrative wellness coach helps you:

Generally an integrative wellness coach does not offer advice as in other types of coaching. An integrative wellness coach acts more like a guide on a journey - accompanying you, affirming where you want to go and what's important to you on the journey, helping you get there in a timely manner.

Differences between coaching and therapy/counseling?

Generally coaching is not designed/equipped to solve mental and emotional problems but the line is not always that clear. Depending on each person's needs, coaching might still be beneficial if the mental/emotional issues are being addressed through counseling/therapy or other ways. 

A Christ-centered coaching option for Christians

Find out more

** All coaching sessions are conducted via phone or zoom. Please call or email to schedule a free 30-minute exploratory call